Saturday, December 29, 2012

Continues Integration

OK, so first let's understand what the hell is Continuous Integration (CI), it is the way of making different modules work together, so is this case, what are the modules? Or in other words, what is Modular Programming? "it is a software design technique that emphasizes separating the functionality of a program into independent, interchangeable modules, such that each contains everything necessary to execute only one aspect of the desired functionality." Wiki.

There are several principles of CI
1.      Plan a stable environment
2.      Maintaining a code repository
3.      Automated the build
4.      Make the build self testing
5.      Commit frequently, build after each commit & use nightly build
6.      Store your builds
7.      Optimize builds execution

Plane a stable environment
First, decide how many environments you need to have, and what they are used for.  Integration takes place every time code migrates from one environment to the next. But don't go too far with it, don't build too many environments which you will never use, your rule of thumb is using as few as you can get away with, but enough to properly support the business.
The minimum you'll probably build is the following:
·         Developing - Which is the environment in your PC, there will be light integrated here
·         Testing - For QA, functional & performance testing, here we'll have massive integration
·         UAT - Your client tests & confirms that the system mutually agreed-upon requirements. 
·         Staging - A mirror of the production environment
·         Production - The real world with real end users

We need to automate these integration points.

Maintaining a code repository
You can call it "Revision Control", "Version Control" or "Source Control", the most important this about it is to actually have it! You will be surprised to meet teams (usually small ones in startups) not using it. Why should we use a code repository well that is very simple to explain, while your team is writing code on a daily basis, you do want to have the ability to:
·         Atomic commits your code, notice CVS doesn't support it.
·         To have File Locking, so that only 1 developer can 'check out' a given file, others can read that file until that developer 'check in' that updated file.
·         To have the capability of Merging Versions, this is done usually by a simple text merging tool, like Beyond Compare.
·         Be able to tag/label your build so you can identify a given artifactory snapshot

Automate the build
This is an automated process that compiles the binary files, generates documentation, website pages, statistics and distribution media. All should be done within a single command using tools like Maven, Ant, make.
·         Compiling computer source code into binary code
·         Packaging the binary code
·         Deploy the artifactory to the following environment
·         Creating documentation and/or release notes

Make the build self testing
After the build process terminate the unit testing stage should begin, running hundreds or even thousands of unit tests to isolate each part of the program and show that the individual parts are correct.

Commit frequently after each commit & use nightly build
If you don't do so, so change your habits! Your team should commit small, functional changes, understanding that the team owns the code, not the individual is crucial.
·         If your code, on your environment builds successfully, but not on another's, it is impossible to know if it's a source of environmental issue.
·         It doesn't mater if your code builds successfully in your environment, what's most important is that your code should build successfully on the build server.

Why commit frequently? It is straight forward, by doing that you reduce the number of conflicting changes, imagine you commit only once a week, you'll have so many conflicts when merging back to the baseline repository that sometime you might spend the same amount of time you develop to merge! Besides, when team members commit frequently it make them communicate with each other, a simple gesture we often forget to do.
A nightly build is an automated process takes place when no one change the code, the results of the build are inspected by the arriving programmers, who generally place a priority on ensuring the recent changes to the source code have not broken the build process or functionality of the software.

Store your builds
A good lifeline when your current build failed, also a good place to start searching when someone is asking a specific version 2 months ago. You can just pull it out & use it, just remember that usually your environment keep changing over time, and if you didn't put any effort supporting those old version, you might spend some time on configuration issues.

Optimize builds execution
Using tools like JFrog's Artifactory to manage, host and control the flow of binary artifacts from development to production.

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